
I am a practicing functional nutritionist, writer and certified wellbeing coach based in Portland, Oregon who specializes in supporting people who are experiencing digestive distress, anxiety, fatigue and brain fog to optimize their health and mood, and/or repair their relationship to food.

After over two decades in the computer hardware and corporate venture capital industry, I was inspired by my own well-being challenges to revisit my behavioral science roots and get advanced training in the biochemistry of nutrition and the art and science of personalized functional nutrition. 

Today, I help people feel better and gain energy with nutrition education, coaching and evidence-based nutrition content and programs. My aim is to guide and inspire people who want to impact the root causes of their malaise, and improve metabolic health more holistically with food and nutraceuticals as a first line of defense (before pharmaceutical interventions).

But, I do like to have fun.

I enjoy making and eating gorgeous and colorful FOOD! All kinds. Vegetables, fruit, animal, plant, as long as it is nutritious and whole, unprocessed and real. I drink wine (I don’t judge). I aspire to a nutritional ethos based on slow food, local food, sea and land and rooted in sustainable and regenerative practices that don’t deplete the nutrients on our Mother Earth.

I love going to out to eat with friends and experimenting with locally sourced, ethnic foods and recipes. I am not a good gardener, but I am an herb lover, and 25-year practicing yogi (ashtanga and anusara). I love culinary nutrition, recipe development, and I often write about things related to nutrition, healthier recipes, or how and where to get accredited nutrition science and dietetics degrees (education tech). I write about accredited university programs that follow the Registered Dietitian (RD) training pathway, and the Certified Nutrition Specialist® pathway (CNS®). I write for blogs, health or nutrition non-profits, academic education sites, or for consulting practices. I aspire to write a book with an anthology of recipes underscored by the map of my journey living from east to west across this beautiful country (someday).

Nutrient-dense food can increase energy, reduce stress, brain fog, anxiety and can even reverse chronic diseases.

So much of eating healthfully is driven by individual mindset and our human psychology.

Mindset and behavioral health are extremely important underpinnings for nutritional health, and positive psychology deeply informs my work as a nutritionist.

I take a coach-approach to personalized functional nutrition, and my background in motivational/positive psychology coaching informs the foundation of my practice.

Science is changing constantly, and as a lifelong learner I continue to deepen my personal education in the nutrition science field by studying nutritional psychiatry, and science-backed literature on the nutritional and metabolic aspects of aging and longevity. I regularly attend academic forums and functional medicine-focused industry conferences, take evidence-based and peer-reviewed CE courses, and partner with like-minded peers in the functional and integrative medicine space, inclusive of holistic and naturopathic approaches.

What brings me the most joy is that I get to participate and contribute to one of the fastest-growing areas of human health and wellness— food as medicine.

Credentials & Other

Passed board exam for Certified Nutrition Specialist®, 2021, CNS® candidate, SPE (supervised practice experience) with Rebecca Snow, MS, CNS, LDN, RH (AHG), Nutritionist and Herbalist at The Nutrition & Herbal Collective

Certified Nutritionist, WA State Health Dept (license #NU61147561)

Nutrition Science & Education Coordinator at the American Nutrition Association®

Master of Science Nutrition, National University of Natural Medicine

Certified Wellcoach® Health & Wellbeing Coach, Wellcoaches

Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition, Graduate Certificate, Nutrition Science for Communication Professionals

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Minor in Communication University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC)

Continuing Education and Specialized Training

Diagnosis Diet, Ketogenic Diets for Mental Health - Dr Georgia Ede, PhD. Clinical services that support the use of ketogenic metabolic therapies for the management of mental health conditions. Listed in Diagnosis Diet Clinician Directory.

Innovative Healing 5-month Clinical Mentoring Program - with Dr. Liz Lipski, PhD, CNS. Integrative and functional nutrition mentoring group based on her groundbreaking 5th edition book The Art of Digestive Wellness.

Biolounge Clinical Nutrition Immersion - with Megan Barnett, CNS Functional nutrition clinic mentorship and CNS practicum for supervised practice experience. Biolounge, Portland, OR

Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA) Mastery- 12 week course with Dr Dicken Weatherby

Institute for Nutritional Endocrinology- Dr Ritamarie Loscalzo. Certified Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner training. Health Coach and NEPT practitioner.


follow me on Instagram and/or contact me directly!

Image credit @jennys_lens

Image credit @jennys_lens